Monday, September 24, 2007

It Doesn't Take Much....

Finish that sentence however you like. To amuse me. To please me. To make me smile. To send me off into a daydream. Doesn't really matter how you finish it. It's really the beginning of the sentence that makes the whole point. It just doesn't take much.

I know. You're thinking, "What a profound statement!" And it really is, to tell the truth. It occurred to me this morning as I was driving. I found myself behind a car with a vanity plate. Those are a love/hate thing for me. I've always thought it was silly to pay extra money for something you never get to see, but I guess it's important for some people to make statements to the rest of the drivers out there. A way to define who they are and what's important to them. I don't know why, but today, this one got me. It was a green Audi. I had my mind on a million different things, and the iPod was blaring. As I got closer to the car, I saw it. "AUDI U DO." It's the first time I've ever laughed out loud at a vanity plate. There was just something about it. It wasn't narcissistic. It didn't boast about what the driver does or doesn't have. It didn't threaten or intimidate.

I have been under quite a bit of stress lately for various reasons. This morning, with that laugh, I felt completely relaxed for the first time since I took that trip to New England. That's when it hit me. It doesn't take much. Just a clever little license plate. So why is it so difficult? So elusive? If it doesn't take much, why is it that all of us struggle so much to find it?

It's an interesting point to ponder. But then, you see how I am. It doesn't take much....

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