Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Who is Fiona?

Of course Fiona isn't my real name. I chose it because of the character in Shrek. I identify with her. The girl that wanted to be a beautiful princess but turned out to be an ogre.

So here are a few tidbits about me in case you're wondering...not sure why I'm doing this because no one is visiting this blog. Maybe that's why....

I'm so completely insecure. But I'm very adept at hiding it.

I love my work...and I know I'm good at it. I can't honestly say that about any other aspect of my life.

I'm lonely most of the time.

I love to make other people smile...and a good laugh is even better.

I like taking care of other people a lot.

My son is the most precious thing in my life. Hands down. I look at him and just can't believe I had any part in creating him. He's amazing.

I hate mirrors. Go out of my way not to look into them.

I like to make others feel special.

I secretly crave for someone to make me feel special.

I think everyone is beautiful when they smile.

I'm an emotional eater. Every excuse ever created to eat...I'm all about it.

I wish just once I could put something on...and feel and look sensational in it.

I've got really thick hair...but I can't seem to find a great cut to save my life.

I can count on one hand the number of times I've ever really felt sexy in my life. And I want to giggle at the thought right now. It seems like such an oxymoron to put me and sexy in the same sentence.

I love chocolate. Love doesn't begin to describe it, but they haven't come up with the proper word yet.

I adore music. All kinds. I can just feel the notes in my soul.

I regret not travelling when I had an opportunity. There's so much I'd love to see. Which helps explain my insane fascination with the travel channel.

I can't just hear a little bit about something that interests me and let it go. No. I have to Google it and find out every minute detail until I have exhausted myself, and only then am I satisfied. Whoever invented the news channels should be shot for what they did to me. Same for Al Gore, inventor of the internet. Yeah, right.

Okay, so that's some kind of personal disclosure record. I've never talked so much about myself in one place. If you read it to the end....well, you're either really bored or you're looking for blackmail material.

Because I'm just the goofy ogre. No princess here.

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