Friday, August 3, 2007

A Trip to the Other Side

Whew, is it hot or what? I mean, summer down here is complete with that god-awful humidity that can result in a shower furnished by your sweat glands to rival anything your indoor plumbing can produce.

So, I just got back from a trip up north. I went for business, with a side order of pleasure. I had checked the weather report a week beforehand. Eighty degree days and sixty degree nights. Alright! A break from the oven! But alas, it was not to be. The heatwave arrived around the same time I did, I think. It was still a good time. Hey, I'm used to this. The people were friendly, although some of them were taken aback when I spoke. Duly impressed with the genteel accent, no doubt. I appreciated being somewhere different. I was in New England, my first visit there. Such a rich history. And I think it's the first time I actually used the word charming to describe anything. But it really was just lovely there, and no other word seems to quite fit. Their hospitality could give us a run for our money down here, and I thought we were supposed to have that market cornered.

The plane trip home was interesting. I sat next to this guy who was a dead ringer for Larry the Cable Guy. I swear. Same outfit and everything. He was headed to Dallas (shocking, isn't it?). He says to me as I get up at the end of the flight to retrieve my laptop from the overhead, "Baby, just don't knock me in the head with that thing." I almost did it, just because he called me baby. The only thing that stopped me was I honestly don't believe he would've noticed the impact. I was also invited to dine with a very assertive man from New Jersey. He thought I needed some company while I sat in the airport. Did I mention how convenient a cell phone can be in those moments?

It can be a lot of fun to travel alone. You don't have to be on anyone's schedule except your own. You don't have to argue over where you're going to eat. You can see and do anything you want. The downside is that a lot of people think you need some company and try to make polite conversation ad nauseum. And seeing wonderful sights can be a little hollow when there's no one to share them with. But this trip gave me a chance to clear some cobwebs out of the old brain and recharge my batteries. Plus, I met some very nice people and saw a part of the country I'd never seen. I'd love to go back there and see some of the things I missed.

All us folks down here in Dixie can say all we want about southern hospitality. Some of them damn Yankees are downright friendly...and gracious. There. I said it. And meant it. Y'all just go ahead and talk about me. Just don't forget to say "bless her heart" when you do!

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